Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things to Consider When Making Your Handmade Jewelry Pieces

Making your own jewelry can be incredibly easy and fun. And making great looking pieces by hand are not entirely hinge on buying the most exquisite or priciest beads.

In creating pieces, you can keep the following in mind:

Consider geometry. Would square shaped glass stones go well with wooden felt balls? Would the thin rice beads emphasize my bold and large cabonchons? Glass beads are great for bead embroidery and creating large intricate shapes by following patterns and using stitch techniques like peyote and right angle.

Cerulean Sunset by Belinda Saville

Circle Pattern Bracelet by ForbesFarm

Consider Color. Experiment with palettes, try to mix and match, group beads in same color families or string together those of great contrast. Like any artist working with different mediums, one rule rings true and universal. The use of Color, manipulating tones and gradiations is essential. How you put colors together has a great impact on your work. So at best, study and tinker with swatches. A great resource for color ideas, go to Colourlovers. I have been using this site since my agency days.

A colorful geometric pattern bracelet by BeadsForever

Learn to layer or cluster. If you like eclectic jewelry pieces, creating the extra strands will give you the extra Ooomph. You can also cluster beads into attractive little bundles. Some create special knotted areas or pendants embellish with smaller beadwork.

Fringe by TheJadeDog (She is one of the best out there I feel so sad she put down her blog)

Add something personal. Found objects can spice up things like a piece of wood from a part of your house or a seashell you found on your honeymoon on beach. These can make nice charms or trinkets, simply drill holes in them or glue them to a hook.

Floral fabrics, beads and lace on a necklace by Aysetugrul

Never be afraid to experiment. You can always unsnap, unhook or snip off whatever mistakes you make. It is in making these mistakes that you develop your artisan's eye.

A quirky 3 peas in a pod pair of earrings by HeartinHawaii

Have fun! Your craft should never feel like a chore, it should relaxed you, give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you interested into doing more.

Patricia Tager Bracelet

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